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Vanished Budapest: An Animated Look at the Past

Some believe history isn’t static, but a living breathing thing.

It was our luck to stumble upon the two videos below, which feature old shots of Budapest that have been animated by the wizards of Animatiqua, an animation/film/design studio in Budapest. Each video presents structures in Budapest that were either destroyed in war or torn down to make way for something more modern. The animation, which is subtle and elegant, breathes life into the past, and gives the viewer a glimpse into Budapest’s rich architectural history.

According to Daily News Hungary, you will find, “among other things, the old National Theater in all its splendor, as well as the Hungária Nagyszálló on the quay of Pest, the old Elizabeth Bridge, the St. Demeter Church in Döbrentei Square, Kálvin Square and Lloyd Palace, which was the most beautiful classicist-style palace in the capital.”

But it’s one thing to talk about the past, it’s another to experience it. So, with no further delay, enjoy this window on vanished Budapest:

Flatpack Films has many years of experience dedicated to offering expert servicing. It has brought the best of Hungary to countless brands, agencies, and production companies through its unique locations, exceptionally skilled crews, top of the line equipment and technical solutions. Backed by an impeccable track record, Flatpack Films has worked with world-class clients including Samsung, Samsonite, Toyota, Braun, Chivas Regal and many more - bringing their projects to life through a highly bespoke approach.