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Filming in Hungary: Blog

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"SPY" Reveals Not-So-Secret Side to Budapest

zita kisgergely

One wants to title this post ‘The Spy Who Kém in from the Cold.’ But that would alienate readers who don’t know that ‘kém’ is the Hungarian word for ‘spy,’ not to mention confusing non-John-le Carre fans. So, we’ll just leave it that we could have, and move on.

While we did a more in-depth post on Melissa McCarthy’s feature comedy, Spy, a while back, we missed this gem of an interview with the director, Paul Feig, and a few words from the star as well. Feig, also known for the films Bridesmaids, the Ghostbusters reboot, and the much-loved but swiftly canceled TV series Freaks and Geeks, found himself enamoured with Budapest after scouting it as a location that would take the place of Paris, Rome, and possibly, Capri. So instead of taking the Spy production all across Europe, as the script demanded, he decided to shoot the entire movie here, relocating the action to Budapest and allowing the city — as it has been known to do — to serve as a stand-in for marquee name cities like, in this case, Paris and Rome.

As he states very clearly in the interview, “Anywhere you point a camera in Budapest, you’ve got an amazing shot.” This is hard to argue with, as more and more large productions arrive in Budapest and Hungary to take advantage of its cost-effectiveness and natural and man-made beauty. Later in the video, Spy star Melissa McCarthy gushes about the catacombs under Budapest’s castle, and the variety of amazing locations.

Have a look at Feig and McCarthy here, delivering a love letter in video form. Seems like they ‘kém’ away pleased.

Flatpack Films has many years of experience dedicated to offering expert servicing. It has brought the best of Hungary to countless brands, agencies, and production companies through its unique locations, exceptionally skilled crews, top of the line equipment and technical solutions. Backed by an impeccable track record, Flatpack Films has worked with world-class clients including Samsung, Samsonite, Toyota, Braun, Chivas Regal and many more - bringing their projects to life through a highly bespoke approach.